英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-24 09:56:01
  • 网络解释

1. 稍息:弃船救生演习程序(中英文对照) 当警报响起后,全体人员着装在两分钟内到达集合地点列队. 一. 现场指挥(艇长):指挥列队(LINE UP) 稍息(AT EASE) 立正(ATTENTION) 报数(NUMBER OFF)点...

2. 安逸:你可以在家中远程办公(telecommuting),可以拥有自己的工作室(studio),将来你就不会每天早起,追赶拥挤的公交车(public bus),不会由于塞车(traffic jam)而导致上班迟到(tardiness for work),你会安逸(at ease)的坐在家中,自己安排工作计划,

3. at ease的翻译

3. 休息:Good afternoon, sir.下午好,先生. | At ease.休息. | Good evening, how are you?晚安,你好吗?

4. 舒适(地),安逸(地):at best充其量,至多 | at ease舒适(地),安逸(地) | at first最初,起先

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Please rest at ease, my dear Mr. Brown.(请放心,我亲爱的布朗先生。)
Bodies are at ease, not tense.(身体放松,不紧张。)
You're capable of putting people at ease, but it seems that you are unconscious of this advantage.(你能够让别人觉得放松,但是你自己好像并没有发现这一优点。)
He always feels rather ill at ease before strangers.(他在陌生人面前总有些不自在。)
I felt ill at ease in such formal clothes.(我穿着这样正式的衣服觉得很拘谨。)
My closet is simpler, and my mind is more at ease.(衣橱简化了,我的心情也更轻松。)
"When our minds are at ease, we're more likely to direct the spotlight of attention towards that stream of remote associations emanating from the right hemisphere," Lehrer writes.(莱勒写道:“当我们的大脑处于放松状态时,我们更有可能将关注的焦点转向大脑右半球释放出的远程连接流。”)
I never feel completely at ease with him.(我跟他在一起总感到不是很自在。)
It is essential to feel at ease with your therapist.(与治疗师在一起时,关键是放松心情。)
I said why can you stay here at ease?(我说,你何以能安心在此?)
at ease是什么意思 at ease在线翻译 at ease什么意思 at ease的意思 at ease的翻译 at ease的解释 at ease的发音 at ease的同义词